You may be wondering if a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapy like yoga or acupuncture could help you manage your treatment and symptoms better. Although research on the benefits is far from conclusive, for many people the answer is yes. CAM therapies can’t increase your odds of survival, but they can help relax you when you’re undergoing chemotherapy or surgery, says Jessica Geiger, MD, an oncologist at Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center who specializes in head and neck cancer. “Cancer is a big life change. There are ways to cope with treatment and symptoms that treat your whole body, mind, and spirit. That’s where a lot of the benefit for these services [is] derived,” she says. Even if you’ve never tried CAM therapies before, it’s generally safe to try them under the supervision of your oncologist, she adds. You might find that activities that never interested you before can help you cope with chemo. Here are eight complementary therapies to consider adding to your chemotherapy treatment.

Tai chi

Tai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that involves a series of slow, fluid movements and emphasizes mental focus and relaxation. A research review published in January 2015 in the Indian Journal of Palliative Care concluded that tai chi may promote mind and body wellness and reduce the side effects, symptoms, and pain of chemotherapy and cancer, although it may be no more effective than walking or psychological therapy. Another review, published in April 2017 in the journal PLOS ONE, found that tai chi may reduce fatigue in people with cancer. And research published in February 2014 in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine found that it might relieve depression and anxiety and boost quality of life and immune function. “Low-impact exercises like yoga and tai chi can make you feel better by supporting your mind and spirit,” says Dr. Geiger. “That can be helpful in treating any disease, especially cancer.”


People have long used mindfulness meditation to relax, cope with stress and illness, and boost their overall well-being. While there are many types of meditation, each usually involves being in a specific posture (such as lying or sitting down) in a quiet place. You’ll focus your attention on a specific word or your breath while letting distractions pass without judgment. Several recent studies, including research published in June 2018 in the journal Integrative Cancer Therapies, have suggested that meditation may help control cancer symptoms, reduce sleep disturbances, alleviate stress, boost mood, support immune system function, and improve quality of life in cancer patients. Not sure where to start when it comes to meditating? Test the waters by signing up for a class at your local yoga studio, or download a meditation app like Headspace, Glo, Insight Timer, or Calm.


What’s more relaxing than a full-body massage? For people with cancer, a rubdown may have additional benefits. One study published in March 2017 in the Journal of Oncology Practice suggested that people with breast cancer who were undergoing chemotherapy reported feeling less anxiety, nausea, fatigue, and pain following a massage. “Massage…can be helpful for patients, especially those who are suffering from breast cancer and undergoing radiation,” says Geiger. “It helps mobilize fluid back into tissues and can increase range of motion.” Geiger adds that it’s important to find a massage therapist who’s specially trained in medical massage. “It’s not as simple as going to your local spa,” she says.


Yoga is a series of poses (asanas) paired with meditation and deep breathing. There are lots of types of yoga, many of which involve bending, stretching, and twisting to stimulate the muscles and increase the flow of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. The National Institutes of Health suggests that yoga may relieve stress and symptoms of anxiety and depression and possibly improve sleep and alleviate pain. Areview published in January 2018 in the International Journal of Yoga examined more than 100 studies on the benefits of yoga for people with cancer and found that practicing variations of Ashtanga yoga could improve the physical and psychological symptoms linked to cancer and cancer treatments as well as boost a person’s quality of life and immunity markers. Before you start any physical activity, including yoga, talk to your doctor. “Yoga can be great for cancer patients, but you need to make sure it’s safe,” says Geiger. For example, she says, people who have a mass on their neck may want to avoid poses in which they’re facing downward for long periods of time. Always practice yoga with a qualified instructor. Tell him or her that you’re undergoing chemo and may need modifications for some postures. Stop if anything feels painful. If you’re new to yoga, take it easy and avoid extreme postures like headstands and the lotus position.


Hypnosis is being talked into a trancelike state to help you relax and open your mind to new ways of thinking and behaving. It’s thought to help people cope with cancer. The 2015 IJPC research review suggests that hypnosis may reduce pain and anxiety in people with cancer, as well as reduce nausea and vomiting before chemotherapy. Ask your oncologist if he or she can refer you to a practitioner who specializes in working with people who have cancer.


Aromatherapy uses essential oils to improve physical and emotional well-being. The scents in these plant-based oils bind to receptors linked to the brain’s emotional center. Oils are often inhaled via an infuser or inhaler, massaged onto the skin, or even swallowed. Applied to the skin, essential oils may have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving effects. Research cited by the NCI suggests that aromatherapy may improve mood and sleep quality and reduce anxiety and stress in people with serious medical conditions. Studies into nausea are mixed; one study found that sniffing fresh citrus fruit was more effective than inhaling essential oils. Using essential oils in a diffuser is generally considered safe. Never swallow essential oils or rub them onto your skin without talking to your doctor first, because doing so may interfere with your treatments. “You don’t want anything that’s going to compromise radiation,” says Geiger. If you do get the green light from your oncologist, keep in mind that essential oils can cause an allergic reaction on the skin and should be used sparingly.


Used for more than 4,000 years in traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture stimulates specific parts of the body with a variety of techniques, including needles. People with cancer use acupuncture to try to relieve pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, hot flashes, neuropathy, anxiety, and depression as well as improve sleep and appetite. Research into these benefits is hopeful but inconclusive. According to the NCI, some research has shown that acupuncture may help reduce nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy. Always check with your doctor before starting acupuncture, especially since chemotherapy can impact your body’s ability to fight infection. “I’ve had some patients who have found it helpful, but you should avoid anything that pierces your skin if your blood counts are too low,” says Geiger.

Music or art therapy

Both music and art therapy can help you express your emotions, particularly if you’re having a hard time doing so with words. Music therapy involves creating, singing, moving to, or listening to music under the guidance of a certified mental health professional. Art therapy combines art with traditional therapy under the guidance of a professional. Both are said to help people cope with feelings of stress, sadness, anxiety, and depression as well as increase energy, self-esteem, and mindfulness. An August 2016 Cochrane review of studies on musical interventions, including music therapy, concluded that they may help ease anxiety, pain, and fatigue while boosting the quality of life in people who have cancer. The 2015 review also found that music therapy might help reduce nausea and vomiting. As for art therapy, a review published in August 2018 the journal Frontiers in Psychology found that the practice helped improve the perceived symptoms of people who were coping with cancer and or another major medical condition. The therapy also boosted their mood. “Art therapy can be beneficial even if you’re not a good painter,” says Geiger.

How to find a CAM therapy that works for you

Wondering which CAM therapy is right for you? “All of these alternative therapies may be helpful, but everyone’s a bit different,” says Geiger. Always talk with your primary oncologist before starting any CAM therapy. “You don’t want to compromise your treatment,” says Geiger. The Cleveland Clinic and other cancer centers offer comprehensive programs that include many CAM therapies, so talk to your oncologist about what’s offered through your hospital. Be sure to find a therapist who specializes in working with people who have cancer. “That’s important, as there are unique long-term survivorship issues that therapists are trained to help,” says Geiger. Education and support groups can also go a long way in helping people with cancer cope with their diagnosis and symptoms. “Even something as simple as getting a wig or headpiece when you lose [your] hair can make a difference,” says Geiger.