With all of these unknowns, how should we react as omicron, or any new variant, comes our way? First, I think it’s important not to panic. While the unknowns of a variant are scary, remember that we know a lot more than we did in early 2020 about how to protect ourselves from COVID-19. Scientists know what questions to ask now. We have vaccines, testing, and some treatments that they can check for effectiveness. We had none of that less than two years ago. But we can’t ignore the variants, either. I think some of us thought that after hunkering down in 2020 we could go back to our old life. That’s clearly not happening given the COVID-19 surge in 2021 with the delta variant and now the omicron variant. The reality is now that we’re out and about, all of us could be exposed to delta, omicron, or another coronavirus variant of the future. When that moment comes will we be prepared? It’s a risk assessment that we consciously or unconsciously make each time we are at a small gathering at home, a larger event like a wedding, or in everyday settings like work or school. The good news is, we have tools that we can leverage to protect ourselves from COVID-19 viruses. Here are a few tips for making them part of your normal routine.


If you’ve gotten your COVID-19 vaccine, congratulate yourself! You and those around you are safer. Be sure to also get your flu shot, the COVID-19 booster if you qualify, and check if you need to catch up on any other preventive care or medical treatments. While there’s a very small chance of still catching COVID-19 when you have had the vaccine, a few more key actions can reduce your risk even more. When you’re socializing indoors, protect yourself by hanging out with people who are vaccinated, because they are less likely to be infectious with COVID-19. It’s important for all of us to support invitations that include messages like “For the safety of all guests, please only attend if you are fully vaccinated.” You can’t assume people are vaccinated, so having that expectation out in the open offers reassurance to everyone who is considering attending.

Mask Up

Make sure to always have a mask with you — and make it a habit to use it! I always leave the house with a mask now, and it doesn’t feel odd to put it on when I go to a store, an office, or my children’s school. Wearing the mask in indoor public places feels almost as routine as putting on my seatbelt when I get in a car. When I travel to New York City for work, I’m very thankful that my business office, hotel, and restaurants require proof of COVID-19 vaccination. It makes the trip feel less risky. But I can’t control who I’m around during the travel times, so I make sure to mask up in taxis and at the airport — basically, whenever I’m not sure who I’ll be around I put a mask on. It’s that easy. It’s protection for me and my loved ones at home who are vulnerable to infection, like my newborn nephews who I want to visit.


It’s also reasonable to get tested for COVID-19 before gatherings, especially when some of the people attending are at high risk, like unvaccinated children, older relatives, or those with chronic illnesses. Knowing everyone present has had recent negative COVID-19 tests adds another layer of comfort that those around you are less likely to be unknowingly infectious. If you’re using home rapid tests, you’ll need to take two tests, typically one the day before the event and another the day of, but refer to the instructions for your specific brand. The PCR test can be taken a few days earlier because it detects lower levels of the virus. Regardless of test results, monitor your health and stay home if you have symptoms and feel sick. That’s the time to call your doctor.

Remember the Basics of Hygiene and Immunity

With vaccines, masks, and testing we’re in a much better place than last year. But the basics of good hygiene still apply to preventing infections. Make it a habit not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with your mask, a tissue, or your elbow. Wash your hands immediately after for at least 20 seconds. In general, wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol. Clean and disinfect high touch areas like the fridge door regularly. Strengthening your immune system is also important to protecting yourself from infections. Get back to the routine of living a healthy, active life if you’ve slipped up a bit during the pandemic like many of us have. Regular exercise, eating a whole-food, plant-based diet, and getting quality sleep are critical for health along with managing stress and building solid relationships. We need to accept the reality that variants like omicron will continue to show up. It seems like we’re moving to a situation similar to the flu, where different strains dominate each year and we adjust the vaccines accordingly. (Pfizer, Moderna, and other drug companies are already working on vaccines targeting omicron.) But until we get to the point where we know COVID-19 as well as we know influenza, we need to take extra precautions to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. Ideally, being cautious and taking steps to protect ourselves from the various coronavirus variants can become a part of our daily routine, and hopefully help us get back to having a safe and full social life.