But is dry brushing worth your time? Grab your silk gloves, or a soft- or stiff-bristled brush, and read on to learn about this wellness practice — its potential anecdotal health benefits, the current research limitations, and which healthcare professionals you may want to consult before you try it at home. It’s also commonly attributed to a practice within Ayurveda (a traditional system of medicine from India that dates back 5,000 years), and it is known in Sanskrit as garshana (or “friction by rubbing”), says Veena Haasl-Blilie, a certified Ayurvedic practitioner and the founder of Saumya Ayurveda, an Ayurvedic wellness company in Corrales and Jemez, New Mexico. While many people today perform dry brushing on its own, in Ayurveda it’s a component of Abhyanga, a type of oil massage, Haasl-Blilie notes. From a traditional Ayurvedic perspective, dry brushing may help detoxify the body by encouraging a healthy flow of tissue fluids (known in Sanskrit as rasa dhatu), particularly lymph. Rasa dhatu refers to the body’s “inner ocean,” and rasa means “sap” or “juice,” according to Haasl-Blilie. She notes that in the human body, rasa refers to bodily fluids such as those described in conventional biomedicine as plasma (the liquid portion of blood), lymph (a clear-to-white fluid made of white blood cells and intestinal fluid), and interstitial fluids (the fluids around the cells). The Ayurvedic idea is that healthy and balanced fluids promote health in other areas of the body. There’s still a lot we don’t understand about dry brushing from a conventional Western medical view. However, encouraging the flow of lymph fluid — thereby promoting lymphatic system function — may have beneficial health effects. According to MedlinePlus, the lymphatic system is a major part of the body’s immune system. It comprises a network of organs, lymph nodes, lymph ducts, and lymph vessels that make and move lymph from tissues to the bloodstream. This intricate network performs many key functions, such as maintaining fluid levels, protecting your body against pathogens (any bacteria, virus, or other substance that can make you sick), and transporting and removing waste products, per the Cleveland Clinic. “We’re naturally supporting our overall health when we move lymph fluid,” Haasl-Blilie says. In conventional Western medicine, a healthy lymph system is fostered by staying hydrated and living a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular exercise. In Ayurveda, encouraging lymph health can also include dry brushing and other forms of traditional massage, as well as other treatments and lifestyle changes. Dry brushing may be practiced on your own at home. However, it can also be performed by certified massage therapists or Ayurvedic practitioners. If you choose to go to an Ayurvedic practitioner, note that no U.S. states offer a license in practicing Ayurveda, according to the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. That means you’ll need to do some research to find someone who’s qualified. Look for a practitioner with extensive training and experience, Haasl-Blilie says, “because harm can be done.” It’s possible to brush too intensely or frequently, which may cause microtears in the skin that can become irritated, inflamed, and infected, says Nina K. Antonov, MD, a board-certified dermatologist with Modern Dermatology in Westport, Connecticut, and an associate of the American Academy of Dermatology. Haasl-Blilie suggests looking for someone with many positive client testimonials who’s been trained as an apprentice. Don’t be afraid to hop on the phone and ask the practitioner about their background before you go.

1. May Boost Circulation

Massaging your skin with a dry brush triggers a mild inflammatory response in your body. That, in turn, boosts circulation, pushing blood to the target areas, Dr. Antonov says.

2. May Improve the Appearance of Cellulite (Temporarily)

There’s no proof that dry brushing reduces cellulite. However, the increase in blood circulation may plump dimples in the skin and improve the appearance of cellulite in the short term, Antonov notes.

3. May Help Lymph Flow

Dry brushing is traditionally understood to support lymph flow, and it is believed to help “detoxify” the body. “Our lymphatic system is key in removing toxic waste from the body, so dry brushing may aid in that process,” Antonov says. However, the theory hasn’t been studied yet.

4. Exfoliates the Skin

The coarse bristles of the dry brush may exfoliate the skin. “Dry brushing can slough off dead cells at the skin’s surface, stimulating new, healthy ones to take their place,” Antonov says. According to the Cleveland Clinic, that may help unclog pores and improve the appearance of dull skin. However, those benefits aren’t yet supported by research.

5. Gives You Energy

“Dry brushing stimulates the nerve endings in the skin, which may leave you feeling refreshed,” Farris says. The increased circulation also likely helps, though research is needed to confirm. Dry brushing may also irritate already-vulnerable skin in people with inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Aside from causing irritation, dry brushing may also introduce bacteria to open wounds, causing further complications, Antonov says. “To that point, never dry brush an open wound or sunburned skin,” she adds. In addition, avoid dry brushing your face, as the skin there is more sensitive than that of the rest of your body, per the Cleveland Clinic. However, avoid dry brushing skin affected by eczema, psoriasis, acne, infection, sunburn, cancer, moles, warts, or open wounds, Haasl-Blilie says. People with sensitive skin may want to use a soft natural bristle brush and be especially careful not to apply too much pressure. “If there’s any irritation from brushing, then it’s probably not a great option for them,” Farris says. You can also receive dry brushing from an Ayurvedic practitioner or massage therapist as part of a treatment such as Abhyanga, an herbal oil Ayurvedic massage. (You can also perform this massage technique on yourself, per the Art of Living Retreat Center.) Dry brushing is often a component of pancha karma (the Sanskrit term for “five actions”), a traditional Ayurvedic “cleansing” program, Haasl-Blilie says. The routine is traditionally believed to allow the body to get rid of accumulated waste, helping clear blockages in its various systems, including the circulatory, nervous, and digestive systems, according to a past review. Many Ayurvedic centers and schools offer pancha karma retreats. However, they tend to be pricey — a five-day pancha karma retreat at the Himalayan Institute, for example, starts at $2,399.

1. Start Soft

Traditionally, dry brushing is performed with raw silk gloves, Haasl-Blilie says. However, many people prefer to use bath or shower brushes. “I like a soft natural brush to start with,” Farris says. “Some people have very sensitive skin and can’t use anything that puts too much pressure on the skin.” However, brush stiffness is a highly individual preference, so experiment until you find the one that works best for you. The texture should be pleasing to you and gentle on your skin, Haasl-Blilie says. Bonus tip: Look for a shower or bath brush with a long handle for hard-to-reach areas like your back.

2. Find the Right Pressure

You don’t have to apply much pressure to possibly have an effect on your lymph fluid. “If you turn your forearm over and lay your index finger on the inside of your wrist, that’s the pressure you’re likely aiming for,” Haasl-Blilie says. If you use deeper pressure, it may not be as effective. “Your skin will get some benefit from exfoliation, but you’ll potentially miss the traditional benefits of targeting the lymphatic system,” Haasl-Blilie says. Use enough pressure that the brush doesn’t slide off your skin, but not so much pressure that you feel it under your skin, she suggests.

3. Nail the Process

Some experts suggest that it’s best to dry brush immediately before showering in the morning. Haasl-Blilie recommends dry brushing in the tub or shower, “as skin cells will slough off and may leave a little mess.” Begin at your ankles and work up each leg using long, fluid strokes on the body’s long bones (e.g., the bones of the lower and upper leg) and circular strokes on joints (e.g., ankles and knees). Then brush each arm with the same strokes, starting at the wrist and working toward the chest. Next, move the brush in circular motions along your torso and back, the Cleveland Clinic suggests. “It’s recommended that you move up and toward the heart with your movements,” Antonov says. Lighten your pressure if and when needed, and stop if your skin becomes red or irritated. Shower normally once you’re finished, and keep in mind that the dry brushing process should take no more than 5 to 10 minutes, Haasl-Blilie notes. After showering, slather on body oil or lotion to replace lost moisture and help your skin barrier repair. “If you’re heading out into the sun, be sure to use SPF 30 or higher, as freshly exfoliated skin is more vulnerable to ultraviolet rays,” Antonov says.

4. Find Your Frequency

Some people can perform dry brushing four to five times per week, Haasl-Blilie says. However, others may be more sensitive to its stimulating effects and may need to stick to two to four sessions per week, she notes. People with sensitive skin may also need to limit their dry brushing. Antonov suggests starting with only one to two sessions per week and seeing how your skin responds. If any flare-ups occur, be sure to notify your dermatologist or integrative healthcare practitioner, so that they can help you address your concerns.

5. Keep Your Brush Clean

Be sure to clean your brush after every few uses to clear out trapped impurities, Antonov says. “You can rinse with a gentle cleanser or shampoo and let the brush air-dry fully before using it again.” The Ayurvedic Institute is the leading Ayurvedic school in the United States. Founded in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1994, this school offers Ayurvedic treatments and pancha karma. On their website, you’ll find free educational resources, including video lectures and articles. The Art of Living Retreat Center This retreat center in Boone, North Carolina, is one of many locations in the United States that offers pancha karma (though those offerings are currently on pause). It also boasts a robust blog. There, you’ll find posts about a range of topics, including dry brushing.


Note: Everyday Health does not endorse these products. There are no universal guidelines about how to dry brush, how frequently to do it, or what types of products to use. After you’ve talked with your dermatologist or worked with an integrative healthcare practitioner, some of these links may be helpful. Paarvani Ayurveda Paarvani Ayurveda is an Ayurvedic skincare company. There, you can buy small-batch artisan dry brushing gloves and oils (if you’d like to try different Ayurvedic self-massage techniques) created in Northern California. The company also offers a blog where you’ll find posts about dry brushing and other Ayurvedic practices. Banyan Botanicals Since launching in 1996, Banyan Botanicals has remained committed to providing organic, sustainable, fair-trade Ayurvedic products. Their website is also filled with helpful articles about Ayurvedic practices like dry brushing. Start with this post from their blog.